
A brief stop in the Thai capital is a great way to see the city and hop a cheap flight to your next destination.

A Different Kind of Race to the Bottom

Jim Thompson House

Have you ever heard of Thai silk? If you have, that's because of Jim Thompson - an American who moved to Thailand after having been stationed there during World War II. First an architect and, later, a collector of Thai art, he combined several traditional Thai homes to live with his collection. When he disappeared under mysterious circumstances in Malaysia's Cameron Highlands, his estate opened to the public as a museum.

Bus Stop? No, Boat Stop.

Chiang Rai

Home to one of the most ornate temples in the world and lots of cute animals.


Chiang Mai

Songkran, trekking, cooking, mountains, a walled city surrounded by a moat, and 200+ Wats. Wat more could you want?

Elephant Nature Park

Sweet and smart, elephants deserve to live freely. Unfortunately, in many places, they are still abused - used in circuses, battle reenactments, logging, and begging. Elephant Nature Park has rescued over 70 elephants, some of whom you can now visit with.

Elephants enjoying an easy day at a rescue sancutary.